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Sheffield City Council is the Admissions Authority for the school.
All enquiries regarding admissions and all applications should go through the Primary Admissions section of Sheffield City Co

Call the Pupil Admissions Team on 01142735790 or email

Admissions into Foundation for the school year 2025-26

Parents who have children with dates of birth between 01Sep2020 and 31Aug2021 are sent letters at the beginning of September by Sheffield City Council, inviting them to apply for their child's school place during the Autumn term 2024. 

The deadline for applications online is early December, with a final closing date for paper-submitted forms on mid-January.


All admissions into Foundation Stage for the academic year starting in September are handled by Sheffield City Council's Primary Admissions.

If you are intending to apply for a place, please see the Sheffield City Council website here

The local authority can be contacted directly on 0114 2735766 or emailed via   

Visiting the School

Showcase Event evenings for prospective parents took place on Thursday 7th November and Tuesday 12th November 2024. We have completed our show case events for this academic year.

Child-friendly events take place in our Spring and Summer terms when your child's place has been allocated.


​​​​​Admissions into existing year groups, transfers from other schools, or if you are new to Sheffield and other general information about admissions:

​All admissions are handled by Primary Admissions at Sheffield City Council.  Where there are no places for immediate admission, they maintain waiting lists for all current year groups.  
Please see the council's website​ guidance on applying for place for your child to attend our school.

Please call the Pupil Admissions Team on 01142735790 or email

​​School Catchment Area:

You can view our catchment area here.​

School Prospectus:

We no longer pubish a paper-based prospectus for the school.

We have been a full three-form-entry school since September 2021, meaning there are three classes in each year group from Foundation through to Year 6, totalling a full cohort of 630 pupils.

We are generally fully subscribed in all year groups, but occasionally have a small number of spaces available due to the transient nature of some of our families linked to their professional employment, training or research.

The school does not maintain its own waiting lists for year groups.  All admissions processes and waiting lists are handled by Sheffield City Council's Primary Admissions.  See link in the text above.

Printed versions of information from certain pages contained in this website may be available please contact the school office either by phone: 01142663413 or by email: or in person to the Welcome Desk at the school main entrance.​

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