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Integrated Resource for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children

The Integrated Resource for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children has been part of Greystones Primary School for over forty years.  The resource caters for both oral/aural children and for those who use BSL.

Deaf children who attend Greystones Primary School benefit from a high degree of inclusion in their mainstream classes and are encouraged and supported to take an active role in all aspects of school life and not least, have the opportunity to make friends with both deaf and hearing children. 


To effectively meet the needs of each deaf child all professionals involved; teachers of the deaf, specialist support assistants, mainstream teachers and professionals from external agencies work closely as a team informing and involving parents in every aspect of the child's development throughout primary education.

External agency professionals include:

  • ​Speech and language therapists who visit Greystones Primary School at the start of the academic year to assess the speech and language needs of all the children and to advise Integrated Resource staff.  If needed they will then come into school to work with your child once a week, typically in six week blocks.  Our IR staff consolidate the work done with the children in timetabled Resource sessions.

  • ​​An Educational Psychologist who may visit school at the request of a Teacher of the Deaf (and with your consent) to assess your child. 

  • Staff from either Bradford or Nottingham Cochlear Implant Centres who visit school on a regular basis to assess the progress of children who have had cochlear implants.

Getting in touch:

General enquiries about the work of the Integrated Resource can be made by

email to:

Emma Foulds:

01142663413 or 01142670271 and choose option 4



Printed versions of information from certain pages contained in this website may be available please contact the school office either by phone: 01142663413 or by email: or in person to the Welcome Desk at the school main entrance.​

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