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The School Leadership Team:

  • Headteacher/Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Sinead Gaffney

  • Deputy Head / Inclusion Lead/Designated Safeguarding Lead - Stephen Glossop

  • Assistant Headteacher / Curriculum Lead/ECT Mentor - Cath Harling

  • School Business Manager - Nigel Brooke-Smith​

The Extended Leadership Team:

  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator - Sally Haslingden

  • Foundation Stage Leader - Charlotte Statham/Bryony Hollis

  • Phase 1 (Year 1 and 2) Leader - Lydia Emerson

  • Phase 2 (Year 3 and 4) Leader - David Timbers

  • Phase 3 (Year 5 and 6) Leader - Emma Dastoor/Debs Roberts

Foundation Team:

Charlotte Statham (Foundation Lead /Sunflowers Class Teacher)

Emma Hartley (Sunflowers Class Teacher / Writing / SPAG co-ordinator)

Ailsa Cutforth (Class Teacher 1 day)

Bryony Hollis (Foundation Lead / Rainbows Class Teacher / Art Co-ordinator)

Georgina Eade (Stars Class Teacher /EAL co-ordinator)

Lin Watkinson (Rainbows L2 Teaching Assistant)

Rachel Rogowski (Stars L3 Teaching Assistant)

Sarah Doyle (Sunflowers L2 Teaching Assistant)


Year 1 Team

Lydia Emerson (Phase 1 Lead (Y1/2)/ Owls class teacher/writing co-ordinator)/Madelaine Hoskin (Owls class teacher 3 days/writing co-ordinator)

Sarah Swain (Foxes class teacher/science co-ordinator)

Bethan Davies (Hedgehogs class teacher/KS1 P.E. co-ordinator)

Kathy Cookson (L3 teaching assistant)

Year 2 Team:

Ellie Keown (Dragonflies class teacher 4 days/reading and phonics co-ordinator)

Sally Haslingden (Dragonflies class teacher 1 day/SENDCO 4 days)

Daniel Walker (Bumblebees class teacher/DT co-ordinator)

Rebecca Smith (Caterpillars class teacher/maths co-ordinator)

Michaela Barnes (L3 teaching assistant)

Anna Mercier (L2 teaching assistant)

Year 3 Team:

Holly Murton (Y3M class teacher/writing/SPAG co-ordinator)

Sarah Goldie (Y3G class teacher/science co-ordinator)

Harriet Jenns (Y3JH class teacher 3 days/ reading and phonics co-ordinator)/Laura Hart (Y3JH class teacher 2.5 days/reading and phonics co-ordinator)

Claire Heyes (L3 teaching assistant 4 days)

Sarah Quance (L2 teaching assistant 4 days)

Linda Boruta (L3 teaching assistant 2 days)

Year 4 Team

Sally Marsden (Y4MS class teacher 2.5 days)/Alice Satur (Y4MS class teacher/MFL co-ordinator 2.5 days)

David Timbers (Phase 2 leader (Y3/4)/Y4TP class teacher 3 days/PE co-ordinator)/Hannah Platt (Y4TP class teacher 2 days/music co-ordinator)

Sue Hornbuckle (Y4H class teacher/geography co-ordinator)

Hannah Buttle (L3 teaching assistant)

Isobel Salmon (L2 teaching assistant 3 mornings a week)

Emily May (L2 teaching assistant 5 afternoons a week in Year 3 and Year 4)

Year 5 Team

Beth Stevenson (Y5S class teacher/RE co-ordinator)

Gary Rossiter (Y5R class teacher/Computing co-ordinator)

Sue Broadhead (Y5B class teacher/RSHE co-ordinator)

Stephanie Howard (L3 teaching assistant)

Year 6 Team

Emma Dastoor (Phase 3 leader (Y5/6) Y6DR class teacher/DT co-ordinator)/Debs Roberts (Phase 3 leader (Y5/6) Y6DR class teacher/writing/SPAG co-ordinator)

Jon Stubbs (Y6S class teacher/maths co-ordinator)

Alex Robson (Y6R class teacher/History co-ordinator)

Josie Francis (L3 teaching assistant)

Sandra Pace (L2 teaching assistant)

Outdoor Learning Teacher

Mel Arino (4 days a week)

Other Staff

Ethan Smith (Sports Leader)

Cassie Read (Supply Teacher)

Sheenagh Middleton (Supply Teacher)

Helen Kay (Supply Teacher)

Jade Copeman (Supply Teacher)

Haydeh Aminian (Supply Teaching Assistant)

Umber Habib (Supply Teaching Assistant)


The school employs specialist teachers and curriculum staff to release our teachers from their classes for their Planning Preparation and Assessment time.  The areas of the curriculum covered include P.E., Drama, Music, ICT, PSHE and MFL.

Mark Hinds (Teacher/music co-ordinator)

Vicki Beckett (HLTA/PE and dance PPA cover in KS1)

Suzanne Barker (HLTA PPA Y3/4)

Inclusion Team

Alison Murray – Senior Learning Mentor/Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Emma Lawton – Learning Mentor

Hannah Blake (L2 teaching assistant)

Mandy Riley (L3 teaching assistant)

Pat Sheldon (L3 teaching assistant)

Allison Brown (L3 teaching assistant)


Linda Ellis – Finance Officer

vacancy - HR Assistant

Shabana Saddiq - Admin Officer

Joanne Gadsden - Admin Officer

vacancy - General Admin Assistant


Mark Cohen – Senior Caretaker

Paul Dewick – Caretaker

Lunchtime Supervisors

Haydeh Aminian

Deena Cooper

Donya Elghamati

Lisa Kentzer

Umber Habib

Yin Yin Low

Sehrish Majeed

Ursula Moore

Misbah Parveen

Shazia Raja

Janet Smith

Rashida Ulhaq

Adeeba Yasmin

Greystones After School Club

Hannah Whelan – Extended Schools Co-ordinator and GASC Lead

Hannah Buttle

Lisa Kentzer

Ursula Moore

Maggie Colvill

Deena Cooper

Haydeh Aminian

Yin Yin Low 

Ethan Smith

The Governing Body

The Governing Body is enthusiastic, committed and well informed. They take an active role within the school. The structure is steered by the Strategic Development Committee, which oversees the work of the following sub-committees:

  • School Improvement
  • Finance & Premises
  • Personnel

You can find out more about the work of the Governing Body on the Governing Body pages.

Integrated Resource Unit

Our hearing impaired children receive specialist help from teachers of the deaf and sensory support assistants, mainly in class.  They actively liaise with all staff at Greystones Primary School to ensure total inclusion.  Many of the schools classrooms are equipped with hearing systems which are used to amplify and broadcast the teacher's voice or sound from the interactive whiteboard.  Click here or on the title above to visit their dedicated web pages of information.

School Council

The School Council is an elected body of pupils, which has considerable responsibilities. They are supported in their work by members of the school leadership team.

Printed versions of information from certain pages contained in this website may be available please contact the school office either by phone: 01142663413 or by email: or in person to the Welcome Desk at the school main entrance.​

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