The teaching of physical education at Greystones Primary School
We use the Get Set 4 P.E. published scheme, as recommended by the Points Sport Network, to ensure that our delivery of P.E. is clearly sequenced and developmental so that children know more and can do more in P.E. as they move through school.
In addition to reading the information that is detailed below, you may like to follow these links for more details about what is taught and expectations at Greystones (just click on the words):
Physical education - Overview, implementation and impact 2023-2024
Physical education - Overview, implementation and impact 2024-2025
GetSet4PE Skills and Knowledge Progression Ladders
Please note:
Forgotten PE Kit Policy
If your child forgets their kit, the first and second time they will be allowed to take part in PE wearing a kit provided by the school. The school has limited spare PE kit available. This kit is available on a first come, first served basis. If your child forgets their kit for a third time, contact will be made to remind parents of the PE kit policy.
Greystones Primary School - P.E. Curriculum Statement
At Greystones Primary School we offer a PE curriculum which enables children to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities based on the National Curriculum. This results in pupils knowing more, remembering more and understanding how the knowledge and skills can be applied in their own physical activity and healthy lifestyle. In addition, we aim to build a curriculum that encourages and provides opportunities for all children to lead healthy, active lives and understand the importance and the benefits both mentally and physically.
PE is delivered twice a week including both an indoor and outdoor session. In addition to this, we aim to promote active learning in the classroom as well as active playtimes and lunch times. A broad balance of extra-curricular clubs and activities are offered as well as external providers offering curriculum support and interventions.
Our PE curriculum covers the skills defined in the National Curriculum through themes which will challenge, motivate and inspire children. Progression is planned around knowledge, skills and vocabulary so that pupils leaving in year 6 will be equipped with the tools needed to be successful in secondary school.
Clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.
In P.E, children will study five areas of sport. These include: Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Games and swimming. Within P.E lessons, children will adopt many different roles such as a performer, coach, umpire and leader and explore many different outdoor activities.
Cross Curricular links
The PE scheme makes links with other subjects including Science, PSHE, Maths, History and Global Learning
Well equipped resources
Resources regularly monitored and updated in line with health and safety guidance
Active Healthy Lifestyles
The teaching and learning of healthy life styles is planned explicitly within each year group
Activities are differentiated and pictched at the appropriate level, providing challenge for all
Personal challenge
Children will be encouraged to set their own targets and work towards achieving them
Greystones Mile a day
The mile a day is actively promoted throughout school
Peer assessment
Regular opportunities for observation and feedback
Access to experts
Over the period of the year / key Stage children will have opportunities to work with PE experts
Exra-curricular Clubs
Children will have access to a wide variety of sporting activities
Inter Events
Children will have access to competing against pupils from other school
Intra Events
Pupils will have access to competing against pupils in school
Display in school will celebrate involvement in PE
To promote PE school sport, celebrate success and visiting speakers to motivate and inspire
Free Fruit / Water only snack policy
School provides free fruit for all children daily
Pupils will make progress through each year group, acquiring and applying key knowledge
Most pupils to at least meet the agreed age expectations
Children will have a knowledge and understanding of a range of sporting activities and how to play them successfully
Children will develop a range of skills such as fair play, resilience and team work
Children will enjoy sport and will seek additional extra-curricular activities both within school and external to school Participation levels in PE will be 100%
Children will show a good understanding of healthy eating and lifestyle choices
Children understand the benefit of physical activitiy on their mental wellbeing Children will access the free fruit or bring their own fruit