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Special Educational Needs and Disability

Following the introduction o​f the Children and Families Act 2014, the identification, implementation and support for children with special educational needs or​ disability in school has now changed.

The school has now published the following documents to inform parents and prospective parents about the provisions available within Greystones Primary School.​

The school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and an Inclusion Lead, they are:

Sally Haslingden (SENCO)

Stephen Glossop (Inclusion Lead and Deputy Head)

They are supported by Alison Murray, our Lead Learning Mentor and Emma Lawton, our Learning Mentor, who also have a lead role in supporting children with SEND. They can all be contacted using the school phone number: 01142663413.

SEND Information Report Greystones This contains lots of information on how the school meets the needs of pupils with SEND

Special Educational Needs And Disability Policy

Sheffield Special Educational Needs and Disability Support Grid

SEND Greystones Local Offer

Useful Websites for parents regarding SEND

Sheffield Information Leaflet

Independent Support

Equality Statement and Plan

Information about different areas of need within SEND


"What is dyslexia?" by the pupils of Greystones Primary School

Because I am deaf Presentation by the Integrated Resource at Greystones Primary School

​GIG (Greystones Inclusion Group)


The aim of this group is to provide support and reassurance to parents of children with additional needs through the opportunity to meet with Greystones Staff, outside agency support and other parents who are willing to share their experiences.


Come and join us for a coffee and chat.

Independent advice for parents

Please follow the links below to access further support services and independent advice for parents.


Sheffield Information Leaflet


SSENDIAS (Sheffield SEN & Disability Information Advice and Support )



Independent Support Leaflet

Integrated Resource for Hearing Impaired

See our dedicated web pages for more information about the Integrates Resource here

Should you have any queries in respect of SEND provision, please do not hesitate to contact Stephen Glossop (Deputy Head) or Cath Harling (Assistant Head) at school. Alternatively email them on

Printed versions of information from certain pages contained in this website may be available please contact the school office either by phone: 01142663413 or by email: or in person to the Welcome Desk at the school main entrance.​

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